Let’s ParticipATE!

10 Oct

Photo credit: Robert Shaer - rob.shaer@gmail.com

Ever wanted to contribute to a cookbook? Now’s your chance. I’m writing a Japanese Home-cooking recipe book and I need your help.

The FEEDback Project is a participatory cookbook that presents a set of recipes and asks you to participATE by:

  1. Reading a recipe
  2. Trying it out
  3. Commenting on the experience and/or sharing a photo of the result

You can do this on your very ownsome, cooking a dish and posting online. Or, for the fun (and food) of it, gather a group of friends for a FEEDback pot-luck party, where each person cooks one of the recipes and you all share your experience with each other (and then me, via the interwebs!) It’s a great way to eat a whole bunch of Japanese dishes AND contribute to a cookbook!

My fantastic friends organized one, and I have to say, every single dish turned out great! I was really and truly expecting one or two disasters, but each person was successful in making something delicious, and I was really excited by all of the FEEDback telling me that the recipes were super easy. Here are some of the things they made (all photos thanks to Rob Shaer – rob.shaer@gmail.com).

Rhoda's Bean and Spinach Gomaae (Photo credit Robert Shaer)

Kristy, Marcus and Meghann's Miso Soup (Photo Credit: Robert Shaer)

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Inspired? ParticipATE!

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